Fina evoland 2
Fina evoland 2

Lampshade Hanging: On a many RPG and video gaming tropes pretty much constantly.Konami Code: Used to get one of the Collectable Stars.Humongous Mecha: One of Ceres's final forms.Horned Humanoid: Menos is a purple-skinned demon with horns.And then there's our green haired girl Fina who is the granddaughter of a Sylph. Half-Human Hybrid: Ceres is half-demon and at the end of the game, it's strongly suggested that she's Velvet and Menos' daughter.Good Morning, Crono: How the game begins, natch, given the similarities to Chrono Trigger.Just one example: You platform your way up to the top of a mountain, find an old flying machine, and then suddenly you're flying through a Bullet Hell! The final boss has four different modes in three different eras. See the list of gameplay styles in the description. Gainax Ending: This is a time travel game, so there was already a high chance of crazy, but there's a Steam thread where people are still trying to figure out what happened at the end.Doomed Hometown: But this is a time travel game, so it gets better!.Dismantled MacGuffin: The five fragments of the Key of Time.Cool Plane/ Time Machine: By the end of the game, your flying machine travels through time!.Bridge Logic: Sometimes you gotta chop down a tree to get across the water, but this only works in the 8-bit era.Babies Ever After: Implied by the ending scene on the island, but see Half-Human Hybrid and Gainax Ending.She basically fangirls her way around the Magi Library when you visit it. Badass Bookworm: The Meganekko Velvet.An Ice Person: Velvet got most of her cold based powers from reading the Book of Boreas.Animesque: In the character portraits, and especially in the future.

fina evoland 2

If you want to keep track of and track down missing items, the Everything Under The Sun-dar will tell you your completion percentage too. This changes the ending screen a little, with more characters appearing at 100%. 100% Completion: The final screen of the game will tell you how much stuff you collected as a percentage of the total, with a lot of it being "collectable stars" with no in-game effect or cards for a children's card game.First-Person Shooter - is not a mode included in the game, but Fina suggests that touching a Magilith might throw you into that mode as a throwaway joke.Includes games from quite a few genres, including: But the whole concept is to honor a whole era of games, with switching between games as a form of "temporal discontinuity". Some people find this somewhat jarring, as you'll be playing a platformer, and then one scene later you'll be flying through a Bullet Hell. This is a game obviously written by fans with a deep love of all sorts of video games from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, as it includes a little bit of play from all sorts of styles. And then you touch a strange ancient stone, and you've shifted in time from 16-bit graphics back to 8-bit! You can help All The Tropes by expanding it.Įvoland 2: A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder is a Time Travel computer game that starts off like a traditional RPG, much like early Zelda games.

Fina evoland 2